Gilbert Charbonneau
Association des Charbonneau d'Amérique



Gilbert Charbonneau

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Gilbert Charbonneau, son of Albert Charbonneau and of Joséphine Antoine. He arrived here in 1951 and got married on February 17th, 1962 to Lucille Bélanger, a “Québécoise”, daughter of Lionel Bélanger and Alfonsine Boutin, in Saint-Vincent-de-Paul Parish.

Their descent is assured as they have three children: two boys and a girl, François, Jacquelin and Marie-France. Their grandsons Philippe and Rémi will also ensure their Charbonneau lineage, Kim François' daughter is also named Charbonneau

Below is a picture of Gilbert Charbonneau (he is in the middle of the picture) who won the prize of Communities in Bloom of Sainte-Julienne in 2002.








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