General activities

Association des Charbonneau d'Amérique



General activities of the Association

- Goals of the Association

- General activities of the Assoiciation

- Membership

- Newsletter

- Erratum - Newsletter

- Board of directors

- History

- Member ship Registration Form pdf



- Promotionals products

- Help

- Write us!

- Forum

- Français



The Board of Directors meets four times per year to ensure the smooth operation of the Association and to plan the various projects and activities for the years :

  • The annual General Meeting
  • One or two seasonal activities
  • A family reunion
  • An organized trip
  • The Publication of our newsletter "Parole de Charbonneau" three times a year
  • The recruitment of members
  • The updating of our web site
  • The search for information about Charbonneaus and the exchange of genealogical information
  • The maintenance of close contact with the Association des Charbonneau de Vieux Continent







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