Association des Charbonneau d'Amérique



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Who is your ancestor? What is a newcomer?

A newcomer is an ancestor that generated a lineage that your association was able to identify. We found three but maybe you could introduce us to more.

There are three known ones:
Olivier Charbonneau, ancestor to 97% of us, arrived in Montreal on September 29,1659. Taking into account all generations, Olivier had 325 descendants before 1730, including Anne who was born in France (74th position of married pioneers before 1680); 2513 newborns before1766 descent from Olivier; more than 7000 descendants before 1800, of which a thousand were Charbonneaus. We count 1904 weddings of descendants of Olivier's branch before 1800. Including the descendants of the ancestor Jean (2nd newcomer), we list about a thousand baptized Charbonneaus before 1800, which places this name in 35th position of all names in 1997.

This information derives from a feature article volume 3, #2, April 1997 and is extracted from a conference given by Mr Hubert Charbonneau and summarized by Henri Charbonneau.








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